Nalambalam means a set of four temples in Kerala, dedicated to Sri Rama and his three brothers., Bharadha, Lakshmana and Sathrughna. It is believed
that the idols installed in these temples were worshipped by Lord Krishna
at Dwraga during Dwpara Yuga. Nalambalam Yatra has to started from Sree Rama Temple followed by dharshans in Bharadha Temple, Lakshmana Temple and finally in Sathrughna Swamy Temple. One day pilgrimage to these Nalambalam Temples during the malayalam month of Karkkidakam, called by the people of Kerala as Ramayana Masam ( July - Aug ), is believed to get blessed with prosperity. A strogly belief in Kerala is that reciting Ramayana during this period is believed to keep away all the discomforts and agonies and the great epic verses have the power to build self confidence even during difficult times. |